Next NCDA Bout on August 17, 2024 - Don't Miss the Thrill!
Your Business Can Help By Sponsoring NCDA
Your Business Can Help By Sponsoring NCDA
NCDA aims to grow as part of the vibrant North County community. Our goals for the 2019 season include significant expansion of our public presence, and the experience of the governing body and trainers combined with the passion of our skaters assures that we will be successful in this endeavor. However, we cannot accomplish this alone. We rely on the generosity of sponsors to move forward. Sponsorship contribution supports a range of league needs, including flat track space rental, uniforms, promotional expenses and new skater recruitment.
NCDA sponsors experience many benefits from their investment. Our fan base is diverse, including men, women, teens and children from various ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. This diversity provides a wide audience for advertisement of businesses and increases the likelihood of reaching new consumers. In December of 2015, NCDA received our 501(c)3 exemption status. Sponsorship contributions are now tax deductible under IRC Section 170.
There are many ways to structure sponsorship, and NCDA provides flexibility to determine which level will maximize the impact on the sponsor’s goals while supporting our skaters. We are also able to negotiate cash rates with exchange for goods or services when it will be mutually beneficial. This may include training space, fundraising venues, printing services or athletic merchandise.
If you are interested in discussing sponsorship with us, please contact us. Thank you for your support!
Find out how you can support NCDA. Explore sponsorship opportunities, shop for exclusive merchandise, or grab your tickets for the next game. Every bit of support fuels our journey forward.
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