Next NCDA Bout on August 17, 2024 - Don't Miss the Thrill!
Empowerment on Eight Wheels
Empowerment on Eight Wheels
Empowering Individuals, Building Community: At NCDA, our mission transcends the roller derby track. We're dedicated to fostering a supportive, inclusive environment where individuals can discover their strength, resilience, and the true spirit of teamwork. Through the thrilling sport of roller derby, we aim to inspire athletes, volunteers, and fans alike to embrace their unique talents and contribute to a vibrant community.
NCDA was established in April 2015 to offer a collaborative, supportive, skater-led roller derby experience which nurtures all aspects of its members while having a significant positive impact on the North County community. We were founded by an eclectic group of skaters, trainers and coaches from diverse walks of life dedicated to the development of our sport and promoting female empowerment. The founding Board of Directors and inaugural training committee possessed 33 years of combined experience in the world of roller derby as skaters, coaches and managers. In December of 2015, fulfilling one of our 2015 goals, we obtained our Non-profit 501(c)3 exemption from the IRS. Though our league is young, we possess all of the characteristics necessary to establish a sustainable business and maintain our place as a highly skilled competitive league for years to come.
Whether you're a seasoned skater, a newcomer to roller derby, or looking to contribute in other ways, there's a place for you in the NCDA. Learn about how you can join as an athlete, official, volunteer, or supporter.
Join NCDAFind out how you can support NCDA. Explore sponsorship opportunities, shop for exclusive merchandise, or grab your tickets for the next game. Every bit of support fuels our journey forward.
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